About Us

Tikun Olam from Cannabit Pharmaceuticals Ltd. is the first and leading cannabis supplier in Israel, a pioneer in clinical research and recognized as a pioneer in the field of modern medical cannabis. Since its establishment in 2006, the company operates and develops in Israel and around the world.

Pioneers in Medical Cannabis

Backed by more than 13 years of clinical research

Founded in 2006, Tikun Olam was acquired by Cannbit Pharmaceuticals in 2019. Today, Tikun Olam-Cannbit is Israel’s leading medical cannabis brand, with a unique ecosystem that adds value through the chain – from growth, cultivation and manufacturing to distribution, clinical research, training and patient care. We have accumulated vast knowledge and expertise in the field of medical cannabis, developing more than 42 award-winning proprietary strains, 4 licensed IPS, as well as 35 clinical and preclinical studies conducted in collaboration with leading doctors, hospitals and universities in Israel. Our strains are genetically optimized to provide symptom relief, and our R&D team is focused on developing new products for additional industries, such as wellness and cosmetics.

Our mission is to unlock the full potential of high-quality cannabis, making it accessible for treating patients and improving their quality of life.

Beyond CBD &THC

The unique therapeutic capabilities of Tikun Olam-Cannbit’s medical cannabis products are the result of high-quality strains characterized by broad and varied profiles of cannabinoids, terpenes and other natural active components, creating the “entourage effect.” The interactive synergy produces optimal care and a significant improvement to the patient’s health and quality of life.

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Medical cannabis in Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome

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